Department: Economía Financiera II
Centre: Facultad de Economía y Empresa
Institute: Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa
Campus: Bizkaia
Field of knowledge: Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
Area: Financial Economics and Accounting
Research group: (ECISE): Economía Circular, Innovación, Sostenibilidad y Emprendimiento - GIU 21/025
Personal web:
Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Evaluación de políticas de creación de empresas el caso de la comunidad autónoma del País Vasco 2006. Supervised by Dr. Andrés Araujo de la Mata.
PhD. Maria Saiz Santos. PHd in Economics and Entrepreurship. Lecturer at University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Faculty of Business and Economics. LR and Executive Director of GEM Basque Country, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor research member, since 2004. Management Committee in GEM España Chairwoman of Basque Entrepreneurship Observatory EEB-OVE. Blog Director of Entrepreneurship MBA: MBAe3 University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Blog LR Research Group ECISE, Circular Economy, Innovation, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship. Researcher ERASMUS + Reinventing Mentoring in Arts Management , ERASMUS + VI-TRAIN-Crafts and ERASMUS+ E4TLI, EDUCATION FOR TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY AND INCLUSION. Mentor in Youth Business Spain/Laboral Kutxa Academic committee of Startinnova (Entrepreneurship Program in secondary). Outstanding mention for the impulse of university-business policies, Spanning Boundaries (UIIN) Accreditation evaluator of ACEEU (Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities) D. External Relationship UPV/EHU (2007-2014). D. and founder of the Spin off programme ZITEK. Management of 3 incubators for technology-based spin offs. Definition of policies and programs to promote entrepreneurship, amongst other: Bus Emprende, Etorkizulan, Think Big and the Summer School for teachers who encourage the entrepreneurial attitude. Leader of 8 Leonardo Da Vinci Programs, Epez. She holds 60 publications about entrepreneurship (scientific articles, books, book’s chapters and monographs). Lecturer in Master classes in 7 masters, amongst them the BIO ALL, Master in Biomedical Research, Blockchain and Criptoeconomy or Circular Economy.