Publicaciones (91) Publicaciones de DAVID RIO RAIGADAS


  1. Researching the American West in Spain: Beyond Prejudices and Misconceptions

    Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, Núm. 88, pp. 15-29


  1. La expansión y revisión de un mito: el Oeste norteamericano en la literatura española coord.

    Iberoamericana Vervuert

  2. La renovación del wéstern clásico en el siglo XXI: "Basilisco", de Jon Bilbao

    La expansión y revisión de un mito: el Oeste norteamericano en la literatura española (Iberoamericana Vervuert), pp. 309-326


  1. A Spanish View of the American West: El Coyote and His Comic Magazine

    The Comic Book Western: New Perspectives on a Global Genre (University of Nebraska Press), pp. 249-276

  2. Helmi’s Shadow: A Journey of Survival from Russia to East Asia to the American West by David Horgan

    Western American Literature, Vol. 57, Núm. 2, pp. 205-207

  3. Mapping the Western in World Literature

    The Western in the Global Literary Imagination, pp. 1-19

  4. Rewriting Western Mythology in Contemporary Spanish Literature: Jon Bilbao’s Basilisco

    The Western in the Global Literary Imagination (Brill), pp. 198-213

  5. The Challenge of The Contemporary Theatre Director Bringing King Lear to Stage dir.

    Nexus, Núm. 1, pp. 91-91

  6. The Western in the Global Literary Imagination


  7. Un imaginario transnacional: el Oeste norteamericano en la literatura española – (Round table)

    45th AEDEAN Conference: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Extremadura, november 16,18 2022 Cáceres


  1. Exploring basque heritage in America at the end of the Twentieth Century:: Monique Laxalt Urzas's The Deep Blue Memory

    Memory and emotion: (Basque) women's stories : constructing meaning from memory (Center for Basque Studies, University of Nevada), pp. 87-105

  2. Rewriting the western: Transnational dimensions and gender fluidity in sebastian barry’s days without end

    Miscelánea: A journal of english and american studies, Núm. 63, pp. 77-93


  1. Beyond the Atlantic: The American West in Twenty-First Southwestern European Literature

    The New American West in Literature and the Arts: A Journey Across Boundaries (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.), pp. 121-133

  2. El Sheriff King: Más allá del mito de la frontera

    Cómics y estudios culturales : viñetas y celuloide. II Congreso Internacional Fundación Cine+Cómics

  3. Frank Bergon’s Western and Basque American Heroes: Deconstructing Archetypes

    Visions of a Basque American Westerner: International Perspectives on the Writings of Frank Bergon (Center for Basque Studies, University of Nevada, Reno), pp. 35-50


  1. A basque chronicle of nine months in the new West

    Western American Literature, Vol. 54, Núm. 2, pp. 175-192

  2. Introduction: Th e case for transnationalism in the American Literary West

    Western American Literature, Vol. 54, Núm. 2, pp. IX-XIV

  3. “Reinterpretare il West Americano da una prospettiva lettteraria urbana. La narrativa contemporanea su Reno, Nevada”

    Ácoma: Rivista internazionale di Studi Nordamericani, Vol. 54, pp. 121-133


  1. East of the West: European Renditions of the American West

    Taking stock to look ahead: celebrating forty years of English studies in Spain

  2. La literatura vasco-norteamericana del siglo XXI: abriendo horizontes

    Euskonews, Vol. 732