Publicaciones en colaboración con investigadoras/es de Brookhaven National Laboratory (12)


  1. The OLYMPUS experiment

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 741, pp. 1-17

  2. Transverse target single-spin asymmetry in inclusive electroproduction of charged pions and kaons

    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Vol. 728, pp. 183-190


  1. The HERMES recoil detector

    Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 8, Núm. 5


  1. Multidimensional study of hadronization in nuclei

    European Physical Journal A, Vol. 47, Núm. 9, pp. 113

  2. Ratios of helicity amplitudes for exclusive ρ0 electroproduction

    European Physical Journal C, Vol. 71, Núm. 4, pp. 1-25


  1. Effects of transversity in deep-inelastic scattering by polarized protons

    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Vol. 693, Núm. 1, pp. 11-16

  2. Exclusive leptoproduction of real photons on a longitudinally polarised hydrogen target

    Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2010, Núm. 6

  3. Leading-order determination of the gluon polarization from high-pT hadron electroproduction

    Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2010, Núm. 8