Análisis de la calidad del aire en la capilla de Luis de Lucena de Guadalajarapropuesta metodológica y ejemplo de sostenibilidad

  1. Alexander Gaztañaga Garabieta
  2. Alba García Bernabé
  3. Irene Sánchez Pascual
La Ciencia y el Arte: Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio histórico

Argitaletxea: Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones ; Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte

ISBN: 978-84-8181-812-3

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Bolumenaren izenburua: La Ciencia y el Arte VIII Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio, Madrid, 2, 3 y 4 de junio de 2021

Alea: 8

Orrialdeak: 134-151

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


This article presents the study and intervention carried out by the IPCE in the chapel of Luis de Lucena in Guadalajara with the purpose of solving the problems of humidity and the lack of innerventilation. It was decided to perform an aerobiological analysis by impact sampling in solid culture medium in order to assess the quality of the indoor air as an indicator of the conservation conditions. For determining the sampling methodology, UNE, EN and ISO standards of various fields were used as reference, as well as the technical prevention standards of the Spanish occupational safety and health authority (INSST). This approach has been motivated by the absence of specific guidelines for this sort of studies on cultural heritage. For this reason, the present article shows a methodological proposal based on these standards with the objective of providing various reflections to help establish a specific standard for aerobiological analysis in cultural heritage.Both, the intervention carried out in the chapel and the subsequent monitoring, are examples of minimal intervention in cultural heritage, aiming for maximum respect and minimum impact.