tcompa/Data_2D_Fermi_dipoles: v1.0.2

  1. Comparin, Tommaso 1
  2. Bombin, Raul 2
  3. Holzmann, Markus 3
  4. Mazzanti, Ferran 2
  5. Boronat, Jordi 2
  6. Giorgini, Stefano 1
  1. 1 INO-CNR BEC and Università di Trento
  2. 2 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

    Barcelona, España


  3. 3 Univ. Grenoble Alpes and Institut Laue-Langevin

Editor: Zenodo

Year of publication: 2019

Type: Dataset


Data_2D_Fermi_dipoles Here we report the supporting data for the manuscript "Two-dimensional Mixture of Dipolar Fermions: Equation of State and Magnetic Phases", by Tommaso Comparin, Raul Bombin, Markus Holzmann, Ferran Mazzanti, Jordi Boronat, and Stefano Giorgini (Phys. Rev. A 99, 043609 (2019), If you use these data in a scientific work, please cite the corresponding article [Phys. Rev. A 99, 043609 (2019)]. For additional details, please contact Tommaso Comparin (, The data described in the manuscript are organized as follows: Data for Fig. 1 (EOS for P=0) are in the folder Energies_JS_small_density. Data for Fig. 2 (pair distribution functions for P=0) are in the folder Pair_distribution_function_P0. Data for Fig. 3 (pair distribution functions for P=0 at small density) are in the folder Pair_distribution_function_P0_small_density. Data for Fig. 4 and Table I (Jastrow-Slater and Backflow energies, for different polarizations) are in the folder Energies_JS_and_BF. Data for Fig. 5 (polaron energies at density n*r_0^2=40) are in the folder Energies_polaron. Data for Fig. 6 and Table II (iterated-backflow energies) are in the folder Energies_iterated_bacfklow. Each folder contains a README file with a description of the data files and additional details on the simulations. NOTES Two sets of units are used for the energy (see README files in each folder): Dipolar units, as in the manuscript, correspond to the energy scale epsilon_0=hbar^2/(m*r_0^2). Density units correspond to the energy scale hbar^2/(2<em> </em>m<em> </em>a^2), where a=1/sqrt(pi*n) is the mean interparticle distance. New in v1.0.2: Updated license to CC BY 4.0. New in v1.0.1: Minor update to Energies_JS_small_density/data_energies_P0_N74_JS.dat.