Situación actual del tele-trabajo en la asociación chilena de empresas de tecnologías de información

  1. C. Salazar Concha
  2. Karle Olalde Azkorreta
X Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos: Valencia, 13-15 Septiembre 2006. Actas

Argitaletxea: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 84-9705-987-5

Argitalpen urtea: 2006

Orrialdeak: 1515-1525

Biltzarra: CIDIP. Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos (10. 2006. Valencia)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


Today, as societies are immersed within a context characterized by the continuous development of the information and communications technologies (ICT's), and through a vertiginous transformation of the communication conditions in the world, the society´s situation also has been modified in diverse aspects and senses; One area that is highly sensible to the innovations of technological character is the one of the work. For this reason the teleworking has been integrated in the organizations like a modality that is affecting in an important manner way the forms of organizing and planning the work systems and organizational structures in many countries of the world. Given the importance, that the development of teleworking as alternative to the traditional work modality has, it has to be asked what is happening in the Chilean society in this respect. With this glance, an investigation has been developed by the Austral University of Chile sponsored by the Ministerio del Trabajo y Previsión Social of the Chilean Government, regarding companies pertaining to the Chilean Association of Information Technology Companies (ACTI); as central objective it pretends to realize an evaluation of the teleworking impact on factors relative to the organizational behavior and human resources management in Chilean companies. The study reflects that 25% of the companies conforming the association of companies use teleworking, this number is very low regarding that these companies are technology leaders and therefore the use of this modality could be of a greater impact. It can be claimed that the ignorance of this modality´s benefits, the organizational culture and the control and supervision style based on distrust influence in the adoption of this modality in our country.