Atención a las personas con dislexia en la formación universitaria: recomendaciones para la gestión institucional y la práctica docente
- Miguel Lázaro 1
- Juan C. Ripoll Salceda 2
- Marta Ferrero 3
- Paz Suárez-Coalla 4
- David Saldaña 5
- Manuel Perea 6
- Joana Acha 7
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad de Navarra
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- 4 Universidad de Oviedo.
Universidad de Sevilla
Universitat de València
- 7 Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU.
ISSN: 2174-5218
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 14
Issue: 2
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Investigación en Logopedia
Spanish universities incorporate an increasing number of students with disabilities and special educational needs (SEN). This tendency takes place within the framework of the law known as LOSU, which urges universities to promote inclusiveness and accessibility in higher education. Despite this, Spanish universities usually do not have sufficient human and economic resources to convincingly address such inclusion. A group particularly affected by this lack is students with dyslexia. Although there are guidelines and orientations for this sample in many universities, they do not seem to be based on a sufficiently broad and rigorous study of the specialized bibliography. In this work we carried out an in-depth review of the specific bibliography and analyzed the results obtained. As a result of this literature review and analysis, a series of proposals of institutional character and teaching practice are suggested with the aim of improving the inclusion and accessibility of the students with dyslexia to university education. To comply with the Spanish law regarding the inclusion and accessibility of students with SEN, it is necessary to make investments and new decisions based on the knowledge provided by the available literature
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