Democracia paritaria y derecho electoralEl método feminista y el derecho a la participación política de las mujeres

  1. Arantza Campos Rubio
Reflexiones jurídico políticas en torno a la equidad de género: Brasil, Chile, España, México, República Dominicana y Perú
  1. Lucía Villalón Alejo (coord.)
  2. María Elena Pineda Solorio (coord.)
  3. Arantza Campos Rubio (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

ISBN: 978-607-8717-06-4

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Orrialdeak: 88-184

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


This article shows how the feminist moviment (MF) has managed to introduce its debate on Parity Democracy into the international political agenda, an issue of vital importance for the defence of women’s human rights. From the request for quotas to the demand for parity, we have seen how jusfeminism has shown some of the limits of liberal anti-discrimination law and has initiated a new path towards the creation of new universal rights for women, as well as their legal justification so that they can be incorporated into national legal systems. It is at this stage that we move from the political to the legal and therefore we must talk about the electoral systems. Different states with different electoral systems have incorporated into their positive law rules aimed at promoting the “presence of women” in decision-making positions. In this work, a comparative study is made of the doctrine, legislation and jurisprudence of electoral law in different territorial areas such as that of an autonomous community like the Basque Country, a state like Spain and a federation of states like Mexico.