RNA luze ez kodetzaileak hesteetako hanturazko gaixotasunean

  1. Ane Olazagoitia Garmendia
  2. Maialen Sebastian de la Cruz
  3. Leire Bergara Muguruza
  4. Henar Rojas Marquez
  5. Alain Huerta Madrigal
  6. Izortze Santin Gomez
  7. Ainara Castellanos Rubio
Osasun zientziak: V. Ikergazte Nazioarteko Ikerteta Euskaraz. 2023eko maitzaren 17, 18 eta 19 Donostia, Euskal Herria.
  1. Olatz Arbelaitz Gallego (ed. lit.)
  2. Ainhoa Latatu (ed. lit.)
  3. Elixabete Pérez Gaztelu (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, UEU = Universidad Vasca de Verano

ISBN: 978-84-8438-862-3 978-84-8438-866-1

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 107-114

Congress: Ikergazte. Nazioarteko Ikerketa Euskaraz (5. 2023. Donostia)

Type: Conference paper


Cytokine mediated sustained injlammation increases the risk to develop dif.ferent complex chronic injlammatory diseases, such as injlammatory bowel disease. Recent studies highlighted the involvement of iriflammation associated gene variants in m6A methylation. Moreover, long noncoding RNAs participate in the pathogenesis of injlammatory disorders and their function can be injluenced by dif.ferential methylation. Here we describe the functional implication of LOC339803 long noncoding RNA in the development of injlammatory bowel disease. Overall, our results support LOC339803 as an important mediator of intestinal iriflammation and we present this long noncoding RNA as a potential novel therapeutic target /or the treatment of iriflammatory bowel disease.