Are there any young people out there? Spanish public broadcaster in search of new audiences

Catalan journal of communication & cultural studies

ISSN: 1757-1898

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Alea: 15

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 123-142

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Catalan journal of communication & cultural studies


Public broadcasting media are facing the need to reconnect with the younger audience, who are moving away from traditional TV consumption in favour of over-the-top (OTT) content. In the case of public media, this is happening in a context that involves the need for revalidation and the necessity to face the worldwide services challenge imposed by the strong specialization of OTTs. In Spain, political instrumentalization and financial problems are adding pressure to the chronically fragile media. This article addresses the strategies of public broadcasters in reconnecting with younger audiences. It focuses on the online offering of Playz directed at the youth market. Using a case analysis research strategy, the results show the absence of a clear strategy for Playz. The findings also indicate the lack of a clear definition of public service goals, although the content is consistent with Public Service Media (PSM) expectations.

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