La intervención con hijos e hijas en contextos de violencia de géneroVisiones profesionales sobre la protección y participación infantil en España

  1. García-Andres, Amaia
  2. Bergantiños Franco, Noemi
  3. Amurrio Vélez, Milagros
Alternativas: Cuadernos de Trabajo Social

ISSN: 1133-0473 1989-9971

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 31

Pages: 28-50

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/ALTERN.24078 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

More publications in: Alternativas: Cuadernos de Trabajo Social

Sustainable development goals


Introduction. In social intervention processes, child protection is a common concern shared by profes- sionals of different systems oriented towards this collective. This concern notably applies in complex circumstances such as gender-based violence, that involve not only women but also their children. The negative impact of gender-based violence on both the cognitive and emotional development of children must be borne in mind. Even though socio-legal intervention is characterised by the priority it gives to child protection, children’s participation often receives insufficient attention and are frequently relegated to the background. Methodology. The study objective was to determine the views of professionals on child protection, par- ticipation and care in cases of gender-based violence interventions. We opted for a qualitative approach based on in-depth interviews with professionals who participated in interventions in family-based violence contexts in which children were involved. A total of 17 professionals took part (specifically from the fields of social work, psychology, legal issues, and health care). The interview focused on two thematic blocks: the professional assessment of the regulatory and institutional framework of these intervention contexts; and consequences for the professional practice unfolding within them. Results. A series of difficulties prevents children from truly participating in the processes, owing to the insufficient consideration of the collec- tive, a poor application of the Best interests of the Child, a lack of specialised training of profession- als, and a re-victimisation of children. Discussion. Supporting the evidence provided in the related literature, the study results confirmed that in cases of gender-based violence involving children, child profiles were insufficiently considered during the intervention. The children’s true participation is somewhat lacking, and their interests as well as needs are inadequately addressed. All the latter reduces the possibilities and capacity to protect the collective. Conclusion. The present work highlights the key role of children’s participation in cases of gender-based violence interventions as well as the difficulties in making them take part properly. To conclude, changes must be conducted to ensure adequate child protection.

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