La idea de infinito en la filosofía de Descartes

  1. Arana, José Ramón
Ontology studies: Cuadernos de ontología

ISSN: 2255-5862

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Zenbakia: 10

Orrialdeak: 131-142

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Ontology studies: Cuadernos de ontología


Descartes is a dramatic thinker in which the medieval theocentrism fights against modern anthropocentrism. He perceives in men both limited and limitless capabilities, but he attributes the finite ones exclusively to men and the limitless to an infinite being, as well as substantiates these limitless capabilities in an infinite substance. This attitude, originated in the Judeo-Christian vision of the original sin, explains his conceptual deficiencies and his confusion about the concept of infinity and his fallacious arguments: some of these errors are analyzed theoretically and have an ideological origin.