Correlación secuencial y sedimentológica entre registros de sondeos y series de superficie del Jurásico Marino de la Cuenca de Santander (Cantabria, Palencia y Burgos).

  1. Quesada, S.
  2. Robles Orozco, Sergio
  3. Pujalte Navarro, Victoriano

ISSN: 0213-683X

Año de publicación: 1991

Número: 10

Páginas: 3-6

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Geogaceta


A seismic scale cross-section of the Marine Jurassic of the Santander Basin (Lias and Dogger, western part ofthe Basque-Cantabrian Region, north Spain) is reconstructed based on both outcrop and well log data. It demostrates the unequeal sedimentary filling of the tectonically contro/led swells and troughs in which the basin is subdivided. Further application of sequence stratigraphy concepts leads to the distinction of nine depositional sequences. Their respective facies associations are a function of the relationship between absolute sea leve/ and regional tectonics during the developement of the sucessive systems tracts