El tratamiento de la violencia machista en la novela L. A. A., de Maixa Zugasti

  1. Itxaro González Guridi
De la periferia al centro: nuevas escritoras vascas
  1. Jon Kortazar (coord.)

Editorial: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari

ISBN: 978-88-6969-594-0

Año de publicación: 2022

Páginas: 77-100

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


This article is an analysis of (men’s) violence against women as portrayed in Maixa Zugasti’s novel L. A. A. To this end, a study of the theoretical framework – misogynist violence – has been carried out, taking into account the concept, its classification and psychological expert evaluation. Secondly, it has been addressed the analysis of the novel itself, addressing attention to the various forms of violence and to the characters’ actions, relating all this to the concept of male violence and the profiles of victims and aggressors. The purpose of this study is to observe how violence is depicted in this work written by a woman and to establish possible parallelisms between fiction and reality.