Aplicaciones de los sistemas de información geográfica en los estudios geomorfológicos y medioambientalesel mapa sintético de riesgos potenciales y el mapa de erosión
- Merino Sánchez, Agustín
- Edeso Fito, José Miguel
- Marauri, Pedro
ISSN: 0211-5891
Argitalpen urtea: 1995
Zenbakia: 18
Orrialdeak: 257-291
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Lurralde: Investigación y espacio
The GIS (Geographic Information Systems) are a powerful tool qualified to manipulate a great deal information; that allows us to do very interesting spatial analysis. The application of this kind of techniques expedites the making up of Synthetic Map of Potential Risk and the Oñati Town's Erosive States Map, The geomorphological and environmental problems in the slopes and lands of the researched area are summarized in these documents (mass movements, floods and erosion) which is a valuable document for the territorial planning and management,