Aprendizaje Internacional Colaborativo en Línea en la formación de formadores

  1. Quintana Ordorika, Amaia
  2. Portillo Berasaluce, Javier
  3. Garay Ruiz, Urtza
  4. Tejada Garitano, Eneko
Libro de Actas del 3er. Congreso Caribeño de Investigación Educativa: Nuevos conocimientos para la mejora de los procesos pedagógicos
  1. Andrea Paz (coord.)
  2. Vladimir Figueroa Gutiérrez (coord.)
  3. Edison Javier Rodríguez (coord.)
  4. Alexander Javier Montes Miranda (coord.)

Publisher: Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña (ISFODOSU)

ISBN: 978-9945-639-10-0

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 75-80

Congress: Congreso Caribeño de Investigación Educativa (3. 2022. null)

Type: Conference paper

Sustainable development goals


This article shows a case study of the application of COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) methodology to coordinate part of the training of students from the University of the Basque Country (Spain) and Masaryk University (Czech Republic). As the students involved were studying Primary Education and Sports Education, respectively, they had in common the fact that they were future teachers in training. This circumstance makes the innovation of the COIL methodology for pre-service educators particularly interesting. In order to inspire and help other teachers, the article describes the process followed for the design and summarizes the development of the sessions and the tools used. The results of the experience have been satisfactory. Future work includes a deeper analysis of the perceived improvement using quantitative indicators. Keywords: collaborative learning, online learning, Primary Education, internationalization, pre-service teaching.