Valoración y utilidad de los índices PMV, PET y UTCI enla evaluación del confort térmico en parques urbanosun caso de estudio
- Víctor José del Campo-Díaz 1
- Douglas Miguel Llanos-Medina 1
- Julen Laurentzi del Campo-Alea 2
- 1 Department of Thermal Machines and Engines, UPV/EHU, Bilbao
- 2 Department of Vegetal Biology and Ecology, UPV/EHU, Leioa
- Hernández Minguillón, Rufino J. (dir. congr.)
Publisher: Servicio Editorial = Argitalpen Zerbitzua ; Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
ISBN: 978-84-1319-086-0
Year of publication: 2019
Pages: 13-28
Congress: Congreso Europeo sobre Eficiencia Energética y Sostenibilidad en Arquitectura y Urbanismo (10. 2019. Vitoria-Gasteiz)
Type: Conference paper
Currently, among the western countries, has been renewed the interest in the zero energy cities, as a result of the climate change, as well as the construction of open spaces with healthy thermal comfort for its citizens. Because of this, a significant number of urban researchers are interested in measuring and assessing thermal comfort levels in the open spaces of the city. But, remain some problems in the way of effectively estimating outdoor thermal comfort with indexes such as the PET or the new UTCI. These indices there are different between them. Specifically, more sensitive to environmental climatic variations, which could be an advantage designing spatial urban public spaces and choosing their organization. However, some problems persist in the design of thermally comfortable spaces for citizens. In this context, the present study analyses the urban design of open spaces and how these are influenced by the thermal comfort. The first part of the paper begins by highlighting the importance of the climate on the open spaces. It also includes some studies looking for an effective methodology to estimate the thermal comfort in these spaces. In the second part, we describe the simulations carried out to evaluate the thermal comfort of Los Hermanos parks in Barakaldo (Spain). For this purpose, the Physiologically Equivalent Temperature model (PET), Predicted Mean Vote model (PMV) and the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) were used. The results of our study reveal that depending on the shading strategy, different effectiveness is obtained in the improve of microclimate in open urban spaces.