Nuevas aproximaciones al estudio del paisaje desde la antropología

  1. Cano Suñén, Nuria
Kobie. Antropología cultural

ISSN: 0214-7939

Year of publication: 2009

Issue: 13

Pages: 37-51

Type: Article

More publications in: Kobie. Antropología cultural


This paper proposes apprehending the concept of landscape through five general tensions: proximity/distance, dwelling/observing, territory/way of looking, nature/culture and management of landscape. It is suggested that physical approaches should be avoided and the dynamism of landscape should be discovered from a sociocultural perspective. The tensión of proximity/distance and dwelling/observing are developed on a theoretical level and a proposal about landscapes of Carranza's Valley (in the Basque Country, Spain) is formulates on a practical level. This practical proposition is made from a non-visual perspective, emphasizing the corporal and phenomenological experience of the territory. Also the category of interstice is added to the research. The las objective is to offer new useful perspectives for theunderstanding of landscape as a sociocultural phenomenon in order to be able to throw new light on the management and experience of contemporary landscape.