Bertsogintzaren erabilera didaktikoa 4-7 urteko umeekiko proiektua Bilboko Hezkuntza Fakultateko GRALetan

  1. José Luis Pardo Fernández
Traineru bete lagun: Iñaki Gaminde omenduz
  1. Aintzane Etxebarria Lejarreta
  2. Aitor Iglesias Chaves
  3. Hiart Legarra
  4. Asier Romero Andonegui

Editorial: Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-9082-972-1

Año de publicación: 2018

Páginas: 77-92

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


I have been working in the field o orality in recent years, focusing on the versification project, where there are student interventions that work the daily routines and didactic sequences of stories in manyschools. The conclusions have been incredible, as we all recognize in singing activities that fight against monotony, in the second cycle of lnfant Education and the first cycle of Primary Education, and improve the functions of everyday activities in school programming. In fact, precisely any teacher could do this work (without being Bertsolari); On the other hand, the only requirement is to be fond of verses, and on the other hand, strictly respect the technical aspects of traditional versification, namely: melody, rhyme and measure.