El antisemitismo como arma de guerra : los judíos en España desde la II República hasta 1945 a través de la prensa
- Paloma Díaz Mas Director
Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 30 May 2022
- Amparo Alba Cecilia Chair
- Gonzalo Álvarez Chillida Secretary
- Ricardo Muñoz Solla Committee member
- Fernando Larraz Elorriaga Committee member
- José María Portillo Valdés Committee member
Type: Thesis
In this doctoral thesis, there is an analysis of the data related to Jewish people and Judaism that appeared in the Spanish press between 1931 and 1945, it means, between the proclamation of the Second Republic and the end of World War II. Considering these pieces as a basis, the intention of this research is to analyse the structure and spreading of the anti-Semitic speech in the Spanish media of that time, identifying the newspapers that spread it and which resources were used by them. Given the impossibility of analysing the whole of the Spanish media that was published during this period, we established a representative section of newspapers, which belong to a series of characteristics: daily newspapers (as long as this was possible, although some of the publications changed their periodicity), of national spreading, representative of different ideologies, and directed to a very diverse audience. The analysed publications have been an anarchist newspaper (Solidaridad Obrera), a moderate newspaper (Ahora), a liberal newspaper (El Sol), two monarchical newspapers that are actually the same in two different editions (ABC Madrid and ABC Sevilla), two traditionalist/Carlist newspapers (El Siglo Futuro and El Alcázar, which can be considered its successor), and two falangist newspapers (Libertad and Igualdad)...