"Gu eta gosariak" proiektuaikasle baten eta irakasle baten artean sortutako proiektua esperientzia artistiko gisa

  1. Leire Aranburu Etxegoien
Arte, ilustración y cultura visual: diálogos en torno a la mediación educativa crítica dentro y fuera de la escuela
  1. Estibaliz Jiménez de Aberasturi Apraiz (ed. lit.)
  2. Amaia Arriaga Azcárate (ed. lit.)
  3. Idoia Marcellán Baraze (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-9082-799-4

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 97-101

Congress: Congreso Internacional “Arte, Cultura visual e Ilustración en Educación Infantil y Primaria” (4. 2017. Donostia-San Sebastián)

Type: Conference paper


The following experience is located in Arrasate, in Arizmendi Ikastola. I was there for four month and my duty was to help foreign children to develop their language skills, taking into account that usually Basque was their foreign language. In this sense, on the following lines I will try to explain the artistic experience that Jovany, 9 years old child, and I did. Jovany and I met twice per week and we usually were alone, apart from his natural group. At the beginning, we start working as the teachers proposed to me, but after a time we realized that the activities that we were doing did not have any relation between themselves and it was not significant. Therefore, I took the project GOSARIAK of Gose and thanks to it we could contemplate the learning in another way. Thus, we had the chance to think, discuss, analyze, talk, write and draw about our reality and the concepts that shapes it.