Moldaketa kanibalaibilbide narratibo hirukoitza Hannibal telesailaren eraikuntzan

  1. Azkunaga García, Leire
Mediatika: cuadernos de medios de comunicación

ISSN: 1988-3935

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 19

Pages: 41-58

Type: Article

More publications in: Mediatika: cuadernos de medios de comunicación


This research focuses its interest on the television series Hannibal (Fuller et al., 2013-2015) and, more specifically, on the intertextual or dialogical relations it establishes −and which alters continually− with the original narrative universe. Similar to the modus operandi of the cannibal, the fiction draws on the literary legacy of its creator Thomas Harris and the eponymous film adaptations with the aim to give a new meaning to them. The series directed by showrunner Bryan Fuller becomes a true cannibal adaptation, in that it extends, throughout its three seasons, Lecter's cannibalism and liminality to the narrative level. Thus, from its first seasons, the series is situated at an intermediate point, in an indeterminate space between prequel, adaptation and reinvention of the so-called Hannibalverse or Hannibal universe in which both the villainous protagonist and his disciple Will Graham are inscribed.

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