Towards an Effective Knowledge Translation of Clinical Guidelines and Complementary Information
- Pikatza, J. M.
- Iruetaguena, A.
- Buenestado, D.
- Segundo, U.
- Garcia, J. J.
- Aldamiz-Echevarria, L.
- Elorz, J.
- Barrena, R.
- Sanjurjo, P.
- DeCarvalho, APD (coord.)
- RidriguezGonzalez, S (coord.)
- Santana, JFD (coord.)
- Rodriguez, JMC (coord.)
ISSN: 1867-5662
ISBN: 978-3-642-14882-8
Year of publication: 2010
Volume: 79
Pages: 409-410
Congress: 7th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
Type: Conference paper