El impacto del turismo en el Casco Viejo de Bilbao mediante los modelos de economía colaborativa :una aproximación a través de una distribución binomial negativa
- Alvaro Fierro 1
- Cristina Salmón 2
- 1 Cultumetria S.L, España
- 2 Abra Invest, España
ISSN: 0211-5891
Year of publication: 2018
Issue: 41
Pages: 175-201
Type: Article
More publications in: Lurralde: Investigación y espacio
This paper aims to measure the impact of the type of tourism resulting from the new models of digital collaborative economy accommodation and its effect on the rent of commercial establishments in the old part of Bilbao, known as Casco Viejo. The article identifies a profile of the type of guest that does not collect official statistics, and which is conditioned, in turn, by the profile of the host who rents his private residence. In addition, it is demonstrated, in a preliminary way, that this phenomenon and the tourist activity if IS not cause, contributes to the increase the square meter price of the locals which are dedicated to the commerce, and therefore generate a process of gentrification of the neighborhood. We are therefore looking for the relationship between the profile of the new tourist and the economic activity that takes place in this area.
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