"Disease mongering" y la epidemia de la depresiónuna revisión histórica del desarrollo del tratamiento psiquiátrico de la depresión y su relación con el proceso de promoción de enfermedades

  1. Alberto Monterde Fuertes
Eikasía: revista de filosofía

ISSN: 1885-5679

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Filosofía y Psicopatología

Issue: 107

Pages: 57-92

Type: Article

More publications in: Eikasía: revista de filosofía


Since the mid-twentieth century there has been a progressive increase in the incidence and prevalence of depression. Some authors analyzed this idea and considered that the evidence does not allow the current situation to be considered epidemic. The same authors consider several factors that are explanatory for the current situation. These possible explanations are like the characteristics of a disease mongering process, which is defined as widening the boundaries of treatable diseases to expand markets. I will show how a review of the historical development of psychiatry, in relation to these possible explanatory hypotheses, allows us to affirm that certain attitudes or situations could have promoted a process of disease mongering. However, due to limitations such as conceptual issues with the idea of disease mongering, a stronger claim cannot be realized.

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