El orden de la casa. Tres meditaciones sobre su estructura
- Javier Cenicacelaya Marijuan Director
Defence university: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Fecha de defensa: 16 June 2022
Type: Thesis
ORDER, in the field of architecture, is associated with the notion of classical order; with a regular andplanned arrangement of matter based on a series of rules. A notion of order which is insufficient by itselfto explain the complexity inherent in the human notion of house. To write about THE ORDER OF THEHOUSE requires thinking about this concept in a broader way Opening it up to other factors that cometogether in the inhabiting of a building in a place. ORDER is therefore approached here as thecharacterisation of a system that integrates many other systems in relation to each other because of theircoincidence in space and time. Some of these constitutive systems are here observed and described. Ascontributors to architectural ORDER, they shape its internal STRUCTURE.To explore this field, this thesis, first examines concepts around the necessary CONSTRUCTIVEORDER, and then describes in more detail other factors that complement it, grouped in two largechapters, entitled ENVIRONMENTAL ORDER and INTERNAL ORDER. The first of these describesthe contributions to THE ORDER, which are produced from the elaboration of a specific relationshipbetween the built object and its environment. The second describes those contributions to THE ORDER,which are produced from the human condition itself. That is to say, how ideas, desires and emotionscondition architecture. // ORDER, in the field of architecture, is associated with the notion of classical order; with a regular andplanned arrangement of matter based on a series of rules. A notion of order which is insufficient by itselfto explain the complexity inherent in the human notion of house. To write about THE ORDER OF THEHOUSE requires thinking about this concept in a broader way Opening it up to other factors that cometogether in the inhabiting of a building in a place. ORDER is therefore approached here as thecharacterisation of a system that integrates many other systems in relation to each other because of theircoincidence in space and time. Some of these constitutive systems are here observed and described. Ascontributors to architectural ORDER, they shape its internal STRUCTURE.To explore this field, this thesis, first examines concepts around the necessary CONSTRUCTIVEORDER, and then describes in more detail other factors that complement it, grouped in two largechapters, entitled ENVIRONMENTAL ORDER and INTERNAL ORDER. The first of these describesthe contributions to THE ORDER, which are produced from the elaboration of a specific relationshipbetween the built object and its environment. The second describes those contributions to THE ORDER,which are produced from the human condition itself. That is to say, how ideas, desires and emotionscondition architecture.