Metodología y criterios para el desarrollo de un sistema integrado de información meteorológica y oceanográfica para la navegación

  1. Martínez de Osés, Francisco Javier
Supervised by:
  1. Ricardo González Blanco Director

Defence university: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 10 October 2003

  1. Joan Olivella Puig Chair
  2. Ricardo Rodríguez Secretary
  3. Alfonso Davalillo Aurrecoechea Committee member
  4. María Carmen Moreno García Committee member
  5. José Ignacio Uriarte Aretxabala Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 97985 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The Thesis objective, is focused on a criteria set elaboration and justification, that are going to be applied to a further design of a meteorological and oceanographic information system, integrated with the navigation data not only in the conceptual stage of conning bridge but in its final product stage. This objective development is translated to the next parts: - Analysing and processing the existing information on the meteorological and oceanographic data acquisition, treatment and presentation. - Carrying out an study and research on the meteorological and oceanographic, reception and transmission system on board a ship. - Settling the criteria for the facilitation of the proper implementation of an integrated meteorological data presentation system. - Preparing and drawing a safe track between two points, carrying out the ship's monitoring on the proposed work station, where is going to use the needed data presentation logic. Part one and two, are going to provide an state of the art and a near future situation of the legal, technological and commercial reality, that will afford the establishment of a criteria package of a legislative nature considered eliminatory, other second group dealing with technical criteria considered as limitative ones because the nowadays possibilities, a third operational group that are going to depend on the ship's type and the traffic in which she is involved and finally an ergonomic criteria set that are going to afford the best harmony between the user and the working station. That criteria articulation is going to finalise in a working station proposal for the track planning that is ended on a specific track drawing. The track is calculated between two ports, followed and further modified according the meteorological information received on board.