La construcción colectiva del conocimiento comunitariocambios en el contexto educativo

  1. Delgado de Frutos, Nahia 1
  2. Losada Iglesias, Daniel 2
  1. 1 Didáctica de la Lengua y Literatura, Universidad del País Vasco
  2. 2 Didáctica y Organización escolar, Universidad del País Vasco
Transformando la educación a través del conocimiento
  1. Esteve-Faubel, José-María (coord.)
  2. Fernández-Sogorb, Aitana (coord.)
  3. Martinez-Roig, Rosabel (coord.)
  4. Alvarez-Herrero, Juan-Francisco (coord.)

Éditorial: Ediciones Octaedro

ISBN: 978-84-19506-73-3

Année de publication: 2022

Pages: 283-293

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


This article contains the main results of a Participatory Action Research carried out in Altza, a neighborhood of San Sebastián (Spain) between the years 2017-2022. The purpose of this study has been to construct the community knowledge collectively in order to treasure the wisdom of the neighborhood, preserve the collective memory and spread it in the educational field. For this, the voice of 106 voluntary participants that belong to different social strata has been collected through interviews recorded in audios. The audios have been processed and transcribed through a program called Atlas.ti, which has been used to analyze the knowledge obtained and to extract 12 main categories. These categories are related to the popular knowledge about topic “school and education”. All the information obtained has been validated and contrasted through discussion groups. The resulting knowledge has been divided into three stages that describe the weight of schooling in society, the politicization of the school and the path to universal education. As a conclusion, an educational proposal has been presented in order to foster the curricular work of the popular knowledge in classrooms through digital didactic materials.