Bimodal teaching experiences in times of covid-19
- I. Gomez-Arriaran
- M. Odriozola-Maritorena
- J. Gainza-Barrencua
- E. Perez-Iribarren
- K. Martin
- A. Erkoreka
- Gómez Chova, L. (coord.)
- López Martínez, A. (coord.)
- Candel Torres, I. (coord.)
Argitaletxea: IATED Academy
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Orrialdeak: 1276-1279
Biltzarra: EDULEARN: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technology (13. 2021. null)
Mota: Biltzar ekarpena