La diosa Du(v)itera en una inscripción de Tejeda de Tiétar (Cáceres)

  1. Alfayé Villa, Silvia
  2. de Bernardo Stempel, Patrizia
  3. González Rodríguez, Mª Cruz
  4. Ramírez-Sánchez, Manuel
Celtic Religions in the Roman Period. Personal, Local and Global

ISBN: 978-1-891271-25-0

Año de publicación: 2017

Páginas: 229-251

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


New reading and interpretation of a votive inscription kept at Tejeda de Tiétar, in the province of Cáceres (HEp 3, 1993, 139). After examining the inscription, the authors SAV, MªCGR y MRS recognize a hitherto unknown divine name Duitera and propose a new interpretation of the iconography. The linguistic analysis carried out by PdBSt identifies an archaic Celtic epithet *Dubitera meaning ‘The dark(er) one’ and used in opposition to another deity. Derived in accordance to Caland’s law, it may have characterized the night goddess otherwise known as Ataecina. The paper also includes an analysis of the theophoric personal names of the series Dobiterus, Dovitena and the like in Western Hispania.