Desenvolupament, implementació i aplicació de noves metodologies per a l'estudi de la reactivitat química i de les propietats òptiques no lineals

  1. Torrent Sucarrat, Miquel
Supervised by:
  1. Miquel Solà Puig Director
  2. Josep M. Luis Director

Defence university: Universitat de Girona

Fecha de defensa: 10 December 2004

  1. Josep Maria Lluch López Chair
  2. Pere Alemany Cahner Secretary
  3. José María Anglada Rull Committee member
  4. Josep M. Bofill Villà Committee member
  5. Emili Besalú Llorà Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 106828 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The knowledge of the potential energy surface (PES) has been essential in the world of the theoretical chemistry to discuss such as the chemistry reactivity as the molecular spectroscopy. In the reactivity chemistry we are interested to develop new methodology in the field of the conceptual functional density theory. This thesis will be center in the following points: a) The number and character of the different stationary points of the PES can have radical changes modifying the calculation level used. This fact produces that to be sure of the character of a stationary point is necessary to arrive a very precise calculation level. The hardness is a measure of the resistance of a chemistry system to change his electronic configuration, and taking into account the maximum hardness principle, where there is a minimum or a maximum of energy, there also is a minimum or a maximum of hardness, respectively. Choosing a set of problematic reactions in the number of stationary points, we noted that the hardness is more independent of the base and the method used and it always shows the correct shape. b) We made new expressions based in the integrations of the hardness kernel to predict the global hardness of a molecule in a more precise way that the numerical second derivative of the energy respect to the number of electrons. c) We studied the validity of the maximum hardness and the minimum polarizability principles in the asymmetric vibrations in aromatic systems. We found that for theses systems some vibrational modes break these principles and we studied the relationship of this non-fulfillment with the pseudo-Jahn-Teller effect. Moreover, we postulated a set of simple rules, that allows deducing if a molecule will follow or not these rules without a previous calculation. All this information has been essential to exactly determine the reasons of the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the MHP and MPP. d) Finally, we made an expansion of the functional energy respect to the number of electrons and the normal coordinates into the canonic ensemble. The comparison of this expansion with the expansion of the energy respect to the number of electrons and the external potential give the recuperation of some know relations between traditional reactivity descriptors of DFT, but a different way, and establish a set of new relations and descriptors. In the field of molecular properties we propose to generalize and improve the methodology to calculate the vibrational contribution (Pvib) to the non-linear optical properties (NLO). Despite of that the Pvib is not taking account into the majority of the theoretical studies published of the properties NLO, it has recently been checked that the Pvib of different organic molecules with high NLO properties is bigger that the electronic contribution. Thus, the Pvib is essential to pattern new NLO materials used in informatics, telecommunications, and laser technology. The main lines of the research about this subject are: a) We have calculated for the first time the high terms of the Pvib for different organic polymer with the goal to evaluate the importance and the convergence of the Taylor series that define the vibrational contributions. b) We have evaluated the electronic and vibrational contributions for different representative organic molecules using different methodologies to predict the cheaper way to calculate the NLO properties with semi quantitative precision.