Behartokia y sobre cómo se manifiesta hoy una investigación de ayer
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
ISSN: 2254-0709
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 32
Pages: 25-34
Type: Article
More publications in: Artseduca
This is the result of the encounter between a research about how arts education could awaken the motivation of secondary education students and the mechanics that regulates the coexistence between teachers and students. Our concern about trying to respond to the needs that arose during our Arts Education classes led us to the analysis of the educational framework where this subject is located, as well as to the search for those epistemological places that facilitate autonomy and motivation of students. Today, our interest is located on the changes that occur within the framework of Secondary Education. These changes may be motivated, among others, by the virtual spaces that increasingly emerge within the classroom. Thus, in this text, we ask ourselves if these changes respond to a school model closer to teaching or learning.
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