La formación del periodista que "anuncia, muestra y explica"

  1. Terese Mendiguren Galdospin 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

    Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

    Valencia, España


Retos del periodismo digital: reflexiones desde la universidad
  1. Fernando Sabés Turmo (coord.)
  2. José Juan Verón Lassa (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación de la Prensa de Aragón

ISBN: 978-84-87175-39-8

Year of publication: 2009

Pages: 239-247

Congress: Congreso de Periodismo Digital (10. 2009. Huesca)

Type: Conference paper


Nowadays, the advanced technology decides the new different ways thatjournalism can take. In this context, there are many voices pointing out tothe limited formation of the online journalist. It´s worth indicating thatuniversities are trying to adapt their programs to this new age, where thejournalist needs technological and informatics knowledge. Interface, Flash8 or Indesign are concepts that are present on his daily work. Are theyessential on journalist´s formation before arriving to the job market? Thiscommunication pretends to reflect on the online reporter formation troughdifferent interviews with some journalists of the digital version of El Correo,the first newspaper in Bizkaia.