Biomarcadores de Efecto en Programas de Biomonitorización Humana

  1. Rodríguez Carrillo, Andrea
Supervised by:
  1. Mariana F. Fernández Cabrera Director
  2. Nicolás Olea Serrano Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 09 February 2022

  1. José Expósito Hernández Chair
  2. Francisco Artacho Cordón Secretary
  3. Argelia Castaño Calvo Committee member
  4. Aitana Lertxundi Manterola Committee member
  5. Greet Schoeters Committee member

Type: Thesis


The main purpose of the present doctoral thesis was to select, describe, test, and implement effect biomarkers for the assessment of exposure-health associations during critical windows of human development, related to cognitive and behavioral alterations. For this goal, the following specific objectives were proposed: Objective 1: To identify and prioritize existing biomarkers of effect for BPA, metals, pesticides, and complex mixtures of chemicals. Objective 2: To provide relevant mechanistic and adverse outcome pathway (AOP) information in order to cover knowledge gaps and better interpret effect biomarker data. Objective 3: To investigate the effects of chemical exposure with cognitive domains, intelligence quotient (IQ), and behavioral function among Spanish adolescent males from the INMA-Granada cohort.