Los Chalecos Amarillos francesesanálisis de un movimiento sui generis

  1. Arkaitz Letamendia
Anuari del conflicte social

ISSN: 2014-6760

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Zenbakia: 12

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Anuari del conflicte social


This article analizes the Yellow Vests movement (Gilets Jaunes) in France. First, it reviews the historical context and the background of their mobilizations, and offers a characterization of the movement. Next, it explores four dimensions on which this has a particularly relevant effect: the struggle for social space, the mobilization of the precariat and other subordinated classes, the dynamics of organization in the context of accelearted social time, and the re-signifying of popular symbols and practices. The conclusion points to the fact that the Yellow Vests are a peculiar movement that escapes the classical social movement model and resembles that of contemporary popular revolt.

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