Sensaciones corporales y el Trabajo Fin de Grado: una propuesta práctica

  1. Eider Gamboa Ruiz de Eguilaz
  2. Asier Huegun Burgos
  3. Pello Jauregi Etxaniz
Revista de innovación y buenas prácticas docentes

ISSN: 2531-1336

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 10

Issue: 2

Pages: 27-39

Type: Article

DOI: 10.21071/RIPADOC.V10I2.13294 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista de innovación y buenas prácticas docentes


This article presentsthe research carried out to build new spaces of thought from body sensations in the process of creating the Final Degree Project in Higher Education. For this purpose, based on Inquiry Based Learning, it hasdeveloped exercises based on the body approach to deepen this type of learning. The sensations that emanate from one's own experiences are a source of knowledge in the reflective and action processes carried out by students in university education. Through qualitative tools for data collection, we haveobtained significant results in terms of the relevance of students' own experience, as well as the function of bodily sensations in the reflective processes.

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