Intervenció basada en mindfulness per a la millora de les conductes problemàtiques en l’alumnat amb necessitats educatives especials

  1. Marisol Camps Fernández
  2. Maria Sandín Esteban
  3. Alberto Amutio Careaga
Revista catalana de pedagogia

ISSN: 1695-5641

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 20

Pages: 3-25

Type: Article

DOI: 10.2436/20.3007.01.162 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista catalana de pedagogia

Sustainable development goals


Children and adolescents with specific educational needs exhibiting disruptive, non-collaborative and aggressive behaviors in the classroom have been increasing, and may have greater difficulties internalizing self-control strategies and thus reducing the problem behaviors that they frequently display. The introduction of mindfulness programs for special education students can be extremely useful to reverse or even prevent the development of these problematic behaviors, substantially enhancing their relational and pro-social skills, facilitating the social inclusion of these students, and improving their academic performance. The goal of this research was the implementation in a special education classroom of a six-week adapted mindfulness program, so that students would learn to manage emotional states by becoming aware of the body, thoughts and emotions. A quasi-experimental design combined with a qualitative assessment through observation, evaluation scales and interviews was used. Results showed a significant improvement in aggressive, disruptive and non-collaborative behaviors of these students in the classroom. In conclusion, this mindfulness based educational intervention improves the emotional competences of students, making their behavior more adaptive and favoring their social inclusion.