Análisis de la dimensionalidad en modelos de valor añadidoestudio de las pruebas de matemáticas empleando métodos no paramétricos basados en TRI (Teoría de Respuesta al Item)

  1. Lizasoain Hernández, Luis
  2. Joaristi Olariaga, Luis Maria
Revista de educación

ISSN: 0034-8082

Year of publication: 2009

Issue Title: El valor añadido en educación

Issue: 348

Pages: 175-194

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de educación


The added value based assessment implies the use of a methodology where strong assumptions are assumed. On one hand, longitudinal designs are used and, on the other hand, the scores of every time-moment have to be recoded into a common scale. This common scaling implies a robust equating design.The only way to ensure the comparability within the longitudinal designs is to use a measurement model where every scale shares the same metric properties.The possibility of common scale estimates is based upon the local independence assumption.The aim of this paper is to analyze the dimensional structure of a set of mathematics achievement tests used to assess the academic achievement in the Community of Madrid during 2005-06 and 2006-07 years and in three cohorts corresponding to the following academic degrees: 5th-6th of Primary Education, 1st-2nd and 3-4th of Obligatory Secondary Education. Their essential unidimensionality and the level of simplicity/complexity of their structure are assessed using nonparametric IRT-based procedures.These results confirm that the most of the tests have an essential unidimensional structure. In turn, the more of the contents complexity, the more of the tests dimensional structure complexity.The measurement models that have been used are certainly quite robust to minor violations related to the local independence assumptions

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