Evolución de la red hidrográfica Pliocuaternaria de la Cuenca de Miranda de Ebro (Burgos)
- A. Soria Jauregui 1
- M.J. González Amuchástegui 1
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lejona, España
- González Díez, Alberto (coord.)
Publisher: PubliCan-Ediciones ; Universidad de Cantabria
ISBN: 978-84-86116-54-5
Year of publication: 2012
Pages: 297-300
Congress: Reunión Nacional de Geomorfología (12. 2012. Santander)
Type: Conference paper
The existence of a palaeo-fluvial network in the Miranda Basin (Burgos), which flowed into the Ebro River after crossing the Obarenes Mountains, has been identified by the morphological and sedimentological analysis of the main landforms and deposits. Preferential flow direction, both in the Carrias Platform and the Obarenes Mountains, as well as the morpho-sedimentological characteristics of various fluvial remnants preserved within the Miranda Basin, point towards the existence of such a palaeo-drainage network. Its first stages date back to the Late Miocene. The stream network developed in the Carrias Platform crossed the Obarenes Mountains through evaporitic Keuper outcrops and drained into the Miranda Basin. These conditions prevailed until the Pleistocene, when erosion and/or tectonic processes disconnected the Carrias Platform from the Obarenes Mountains, leading to the capture of its drainage basin by the Tiron River system, a tributary of the Ebro River in La Rioja