A la escucha de la literatura
ISSN: 0210-7287
Argitalpen urtea: 2006
Zenbakia: 11
Orrialdeak: 235-244
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: 1616: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada
This talk is an invitation to reflect on the survival of literature in the humanities through a superation of the duality between the written and the oral. It is based on the works of Paul Zumthor, an expert in oral tradition who estimates that our culture offers signs of the recovery of the oral energies of humanity, buried for centuries by the dominance of writing. To understand literature within the humanities as a full realization of oral tradition, equals the perception of such tradition as an enunciation that integrates both the oral and the written and identifies with the cultural history of both listening and telling. Its forms are found in rhythms, prosody and vocalism, "those things that are in the voice" as expressed by Aristoteles in De interpretatione. The consideration of the study of literature in accordance with these parameters are part of the search for new forms of thinking and language, a need for the society we live in.