Análisis, catalogación e indización de la obra de Juan Comba y García, informador gráfico de "La Ilustración Española y Americana"

  1. Bobo Marquez, Miguel
Supervised by:
  1. Félix del Valle Gastaminza Director
  2. Ramón Reig Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 18 July 2002

  1. Jesús Canga Larequi Chair
  2. Juan Antonio García Galindo Secretary
  3. Javier González Antón Committee member
  4. Manuel Moreno Alonso Committee member
  5. José Manuel Gómez Méndez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 89396 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


Between many lagoons that still the Spanish Journalism History possesses there is the one that concerns the study of the history of the graphical information and of whom they used this route of information. The present study has as object effect a minimal contribution that allows beginning to refill this lagoon. For it we have centered on the figure of Juan Comba y García, informer who developed a wide labor of graphical information in "La Ilustración Española y Americana" for 36 years. First by means of drawing and later, when the technology allowed it, by means of the photography. In our thesis we have realized the first complete biography of Comba, as well as the analytical study of his way of working, of his images, and the existing relation between these and the photography. Equally we have realized a comparison between the texts of his contemporary ones and the images realized during his work in the magazine. Likewise, we have elaborated the complete catalogue of his work in "La Ilustración Española y Americana", so much textually as graphic, and the indexation of the same one.