Mecanismos públicos de formación y transición al empleo juvenil. El ejemplo de las Islas Baleares a través del escalamiento de competencias en el marco de estrategias y medidas de intervención contextualizadas en itinerarios de riesgo de abandono formativo y empleo poco cualificado

  1. Menéndez Benito, Emilio
Supervised by:
  1. Lluís Ballester Brage Director
  2. Josep Lluís Oliver Torelló Director

Defence university: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 13 April 2021

  1. María Belén Pascual Barrio Chair
  2. Eduardo Romero Sánchez Secretary
  3. Begoña Abad Miguélez Committee member

Type: Thesis


The adaptation and implementation of active employment policies, as well as the development requalification, continuous training for educational activation and lifelong learning policies, have been one of the main efforts and axes of action both within the field of socio-educational intervention, such as labour integration in the community and interstate framework. Given the degree of demand for this kind of actions, especially in order to prevent and as a tool to combat economic and educational vulnerability; derived to some extent from the remanant and the echoes of the economic crisis suffered a decade ago, and the progressive decline of the living conditions, as well as the gradual precariousness in many cases, of wage and labor conditions this is why the series of policies must be integrally, adaptable and flexible to the demands, particularities and sociodemographic and economic conditions that each territory or region presents. Likewise, this series of interventions, understood as strategies and programs integrated within a series of axioms and paradigms that allow their activation, taking into account how the particular context of a territory has been pointed out, responds to a graduation, concretion and simplification of the competences in order of the indicated demands: How do public policies become flexible, appropriate and adjusted in competencies to the demands and characteristics of a determinated target population?. In this sense, the priorities of the European and state institutions in the relevant field, advocate for the development of policies to combat early school leaving and continuous and professional training throughout life; the prevention and integration and the return to training or the effective transfer to the labour market among other series of actions implemented. Given the demographic context and the economic orientation of the Balearic labour market, it was tried to represent on the one hand, taking into account the particularities of the territory, how the concretion of said series of policies, transits and is concretized taking advantage of the competence escalation, from the European level, through the state and leading to regional actions, the last link contemplated in the realization of public powers. On the other hand, it was tried to represent and match said competence adjustment to the characteristics of the population, attending to the particularities and significant demands of this territory, for its suitability for the incentive of the indicated policies within the framework of identity signs, historically and at the same time private individuals; represented in a specific context: high rates of early school leaving, a high employment rate in the service-tourism sector that brings up the appearance of a low-skilled type of employment, a high rate of temporary work activity and a mentality and economic typology that favors the intergenerational reproduction of the labor structure and therefore the socio-educational and socio-economic conditions.