Estrategia Territorial del País Vascoaprendizajes y retos para las grandes transiciones

  1. Mari Jose Aranguren
  2. Patricia Canto Farachala
  3. Edurne Magro
  4. Mikel Navarro Arancegui
  5. James R. Wilson
  6. Jesus Mari Valdaliso

Publisher: Orkestra-Instituto Vasco de Competitividad

Year of publication: 2021

Type: Book


The Basque Country has proactively built an industry-focused territorial strategy over several decades. Now it faces the challenge of building on this foundation to maintain and increase its inclusive competitiveness in the context of the socio-demographic, green and digital-technological transitions. This report suggests that it departs from a solid base but that it will have to reinforce its model of inclusive competitiveness by adopting a strategy for socio-economic recovery that integrates environmental sustainability. It will be necessary to work on key aspects of the strategy related to economic and scientific-technological specialization, physical infrastructures, people's capacities and to intensify collaboration between the actors in the territory, each one focusing on the distinctive value that it can develop to contribute to the transitions. The shared strategy must move from the triple helix to the fourth, reinforcing the role of entrepreneurs and civil society, among others. Finally, it will be necessary to develop an anticipatory capacity that allows the development of a long-term innovative strategy that transcends electoral cycles.