Mapa geológico de síntesis de Extremadura (escala 1:250.000)

  1. O. Apalategui 1
  2. Manuel Carracedo 2
  3. Luis Eguiluz 2
  4. J.I. Gil Ibarguchi 2
  5. S. Jensen 1
  6. Luis Miguel Martínez Torres 2
  7. T. Palacios 1
  8. Fernando Sarrionandia 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Extremadura

    Universidad de Extremadura

    Badajoz, España


  2. 2 Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Year of publication: 2012

Issue Title: VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo, 17-19 de julio, 2012.

Issue: 13

Pages: 473-476

Type: Article

More publications in: Geotemas (Madrid)


The 1/250.000 scale geological map of Extremadura comprises wide sectors of Central-Iberian (CIZ) and Ossa-Morena (OMZ) Zones. There can be identified a Cadomian basement and a Paleozic cover, both covered in some areas by Cenozoic fluvio-lacustrine deposits. From a geodynamic point of view stands out: 1: a basement corresponding to a volcanic arc (ZOM) and its back-arc basin (CIZ); 2: a Paleozoic cover related to a continental margin with shallow sedimentation in the CIZ and northern areas of OMZ, and a more distal platform in the sourthern OMZ; 3: two orogenic episodes, one Cadomian, responsible of the main structuration, and other Variscan, which reactivates some of the previous structures; 4: a Middle Cambrian rifting; and 5: widespread igneous activity related with the three aforementioned episodes. The structuration of the whole studied area in conditioned by a left lateral kinematic during all its history, with non-variably directrix, a markedly compartmentalized deformation, and long-lived duration.