Representatividad y gobernabilidaddos dimensiones para evaluar la optimalidad de sistemas electorales conceptualización, operacionalización y evaluación de posibles reformas del sistema electoral español

  1. Alvira Baeza, Ricardo
Supervised by:
  1. Ismael Crespo Martínez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 26 September 2019

  1. Victoriano Ramírez Chair
  2. Antonio Garrido Rubia Secretary
  3. Annick Laruelle Committee member

Type: Thesis


Currently, there is broad agreement among experts about the importance of two dimensions to assess the optimality of electoral systems: Representativeness and Governance. However, this consensus disappears when reviewing the conceptualization and operationalization of these dimensions: Different authors propose different conceptualizations and operationalizations of each of the dimensions, thus arriving at assessments that can be radically different for any electoral system. The most common conceptualization of both dimensions is partly contradictory, making it impossible to optimize both dimensions together, and there is no consensus about what would be an intermediate equilibrium point. This lack of agreement and contradiction between operationalizations greatly hinders optimizing our electoral systems, which clashes with the need for such improvement. The growing citizen discontent with the functioning of the political system, but also the growing instability and political polarization in our societies, leave no doubt about the urgency to redesign [adapt] our systems of representative government. The data supports that part of that necessary evolution of our political systems must be achieved from the very redesign of the electoral systems. But ... What are the modifications that would be convenient to make? Helping to answer that question is the main objective of this Doctoral Thesis: to provide objective criteria that allow us to evaluate our electoral systems, and design the improvements that approach them to their optimal design. To this end, a review of these two dimensions is carried out, and its conceptualization and operationalization is proposed differently from the usual one. The validity of the proposals herein proposed is sustained on their consistency with an extensive theoretical framework, as well as on the design of the indicators related to some real situations that shows the consistency of the operationalizations. Likewise, the applicability and usefulness of the proposals are reviewed through their use to evaluate the optimality of seat allocations that would have produced several possible reforms of the electoral system in the June 2016 Spain general elections. This evaluation allows to¿ Confirm the applicability of the proposed operationalizations. Compare numerous possible reforms of the Spanish electoral system. Contrast the optimality of two conceptual models of electoral system: Proportional (Congress of Deputies) and Majoritarian (Senate) The review of the results shows that proposed conceptualizations and operationalizations show important differences between the rules, which cannot be detected nor correctly assessed using current conceptualizations / operationalizations of said dimensions. Likewise, the review and evaluation of numerous possible reforms of the Spanish electoral system shows that the reform that would be optimal in Spain is noticeably different from current proposals.