Diffractive Interfacesla difracción como metodología de investigación artística

  1. Belsunces, Andreu 1
  2. Benítez Valero, Laura 2
  3. Brandstätter, Ulrich 3
  4. Escudero, César 3
  5. Lamoncha, Fabricio 3
  6. Pin, Paula 3
  7. Tomás, Enrique 3
  1. 1 BAU, Centro Universitario de Diseño de Barcelona
  2. 2 EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art Barcelona Catalunya
  3. 3 University of Art and Design of Linz, Interface Culture, AT
Artnodes: revista de arte, ciencia y tecnología

ISSN: 1695-5951

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: Art and Research

Issue: 20

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7238/A.V0I20.3136 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Artnodes: revista de arte, ciencia y tecnología

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The abundance of methods of artistic experimentation is a reality that requires alternative methodologies for their study and evaluation. ‘Diffractive Interfaces’ is a research approach that focuses on the relationship between art and teaching, enabling dynamic interaction be­tween agencies through experimentation through different relational patterns and possibilities, facilitating the search for other ways of (re)presentation and gestural movement within the context of cultural interfaces. Both the work processes and the results of ‘Diffractive Interfaces’ are characterized by an interdisciplinary procedure of appropriation and interaction between scientific and artistic research through the use of technology, biology, sociology, critique, music, art and philosophy.

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