Desprotección del afectado en ocupaciones ilegales sin violencia ni intimidación: allanamiento de morada y usurpación de inmuebles

Revista General de Derecho Penal

ISSN: 1698-1189

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 34

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista General de Derecho Penal


This paper intends neither to delve into the very serious social problem affecting people lacking sufficient economic resources to own or rent a home, nor the distressing situations of those facing eviction, but rather to merely address the issue of squatting in dwellings or other property that are occupied or able to be occupied. However dire or wretched the personal situation of the squatter may be, the person or persons holding possession are not obliged to resolve or accept the consequences thereof, as it is the public authorities that bear the responsibility for alleviating or resolving the situation. It is difficult for the layman to understand how someone who illegally occupies property may also enjoy the protection afforded by the right to inviolability of the home. But, in practice, when someone illegally occupies a flat, house or property and makes it their dwelling place, the same principle will apply. Even in the event that the police receive a complaint, they cannot enter and remove the illegal occupant by force, except in cases of flagrante delicto. This document addresses the criminal and civil response to the offense of unlawful intrusion and illegal occupation of property, underscoring the debate that continues to arise regarding the continued status of the latter as a crime even when not carried out with violence or intimidation, as well as the legal possibility for interim measures of eviction and restitution of the property to be issued while the pertinent legal proceedings are underway. Seen from this perspective, we intend to highlight the resulting and, until the year 2018, incomprehensible powerlessness of legitimate owners, who were deprived of their rights and - inexplicably - were granted less protection than squatters. Furthermore, we shall analyse the guidelines issued by the State Attorney's Office in its Instruction No. 1/2020, of 15 September, on action criteria for the application of interim measures in offenses of unlawful intrusion and illegal occupation of property, with a view to assessing whether the indications contained in this Instruction contribute to the more effective protection of the interests of the affected party, the legitimate owner.

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