La competencia matemática en Educación Primaria mediante el aprendizaje basado en proyectos

  1. Ane Izagirre 1
  2. Lidia Caño 1
  3. Andoni Arguiñano 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU), España
Educación matemática

ISSN: 1665-5826 0187-8298

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 32

Issue: 3

Pages: 241-262

Type: Article

More publications in: Educación matemática


The aim of this article is to demonstrate that through project-based learning, it is possible to develop mathematical competence and respond to curricular content. For this purpose, a qualitative study has been carried out following the case study method. The data collection techniques used are participant observation and students’ productions analysis. The project considered has been carried out with six girls and twelve boys from 6th grade of primary of Antzuola Herri Eskola school. The students agreed to assemble some aprons to cook with and they thought to work out the amount of fabric needed to make the aprons. However, due to lack of time, they only calculated the area of a sleeve. Taking this project as a reference, we demonstrate that through project-based learning, students develop the mathematical competence and the education curriculum is fulfilled.

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