Proceso de integración de las jóvenes vascas de ascendencia africana

  1. Irune Ruiz Ciarreta 1
  2. Oier Ochoa de Aspuru Gulin 1
  3. Maite Fouassier Zamalloa 1
  1. 1 Ikuspegi-Observatorio Vasco de Inmigración/ Immigrazioaren Euskal Behatokia
Inguruak: Soziologia eta zientzia politikoaren euskal aldizkaria = Revista vasca de sociología y ciencia política

ISSN: 0214-7912

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 67

Pages: 22-38

Type: Article

DOI: 10.18543/INGURUAK-67-2019-ART02 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Inguruak: Soziologia eta zientzia politikoaren euskal aldizkaria = Revista vasca de sociología y ciencia política


This article presents some of the key findings of the research conducted by Ikuspegi-Basque Observatory of Immigration on the integration process of the young second generation women of african ancestry in the Basque Autonomous Region. In order to accomplish this objective, this research followed a qualitative approach with three focus groups where women of both north-African and sub-Saharan ancestry took part. This study shows the difficulties these young women have faced over their acculturation processes within a society that, although they were raised in it, keeps seeing them as foreigners.

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