Hegazkinen elektrifikazioaaktuatzaile elektromekanikoak eta propultsio elektrikoa
- Andrés Mauricio Sierra
- Edorta Ibarra Basabe
- Iñigo Kortabarria Iparragirre
- Jon Andreu
- Joseba Lasa Aguirrebengoa
ISSN: 0214-9001
Year of publication: 2019
Issue: 35
Pages: 257-275
Type: Article
More publications in: Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria
Nowadays, More Electric Aircrafts (MEA) are gaining attraction in or-der to achieve a more ecological, sustainable and efficient air transportation. In this context, traditional pneumatic, hydraulic and mechanical systems are being progres-sively substituted by electric systems. Two applications can be high-lighted in MEAs: Electro Mechanical Actuators (EMA) and electric/hybrid propulsion. In this work, the state of the art of both applications is presented, showing experimental results obtained by the authors in a real EMA prototype. Additionally, the power electronics and elec-tric machines that constitute such systems are studied, focusing on multiphase topolo-gies that could meet the strict requirements of the aeronautical industry.